Arias Trial – Questions for the Expert
it true that isolation is the primary root to domestic terrorism that
forces victims into murder?
Victimization occurs through indoctrination, which requires
isolation. In order to control a victim's mind, no other input can be
available so that the perpetrators can promote their propaganda. In
this case, it doesn’t appear that any lifelines had been severed.
Ms Arias had complete freedom to come and go as she wished as was
evident by her trips between California and Arizona. Without
isolation, it is highly improbable for her to have become a victim of
this type of terrorism. Nor is it possible that any gaslighting was
going on here. In the final analysis, victims who murder do so
because they are cornered and have no other way out.
it true that victims leave and go back to their perpetrator several
times over the course of the relationship? Isn't it possible that a
victim might call or go on vacation with their perpetrator during one
of those times, even if the victim was fearful? Yes
and yes! Victims
leave an abusive relationship an average of seven times before they
terminate completely. Many times victims go back because they are
promised that things will change; at first perpetrators may
demonstrate good behavior and infuse the rekindled relationship with
positive experiences such as good sex and wonderful vacations in an
effort to make the relationship better. The victims will then
rationalize that this time it will be different. They think that
maybe the couple just needs to get away from the stress in their
lives. But the good feelings are temporary and the abuse resumes,
often with a new heightened level of escalation. Sadly, during
post-relationship treatment, victims often report that they cannot
believe how stupid they were. As discussed earlier, victims take full
responsibility for the abuse instead of blaming the perpetrators for
their actions. Notably, Jodi Arias has never taken responsibility for
her alleged abuse.
would you describe expert witness bias?
A therapist is never
supposed to say that a client feels this way or that way. They are
supposed to make assessments using verbiage such as, “The client
appeared to be fearful as was evidenced by…” Nobody can determine
what another person feels or thinks and a therapist is supposed to
back everything up with concrete behavioral responses that might
support that feeling. Because other people were not thoroughly
questioned to challenge the reports of abuse, the DV expert's opinion
is inappropriate. It is unethical for an expert witness who is
assessing guilt or innocence to act as a defendants’ therapist.
Giving books and magazines to assist accused so they can formulate a
story to excuse murder is a gross miscarriage of justice. When
someone fulfilling an expert witness role provides therapy to the
clients it is referred to as a dual relationship and, in Colorado
anyway, the expert/therapist would be grieved and sanctioned by the
regulatory agency for misconduct. Giving how-to manuals to murder
suspects is like giving a bomb making kit with instructions to a
terrorist. Knowledge is power and in this case, textbook examples are
being used to defame, discredit and dehumanize the murder victim.
Finally, in my opinion, it is a moral and ethical obligation of any
professional to adequately prepare for the job they are being paid to
do. By not reviewing all available sources and questioning
eyewitnesses to case issues, the expert appears to have turned a
blind-eye toward the defendant and placed the finger of blame
squarely on the murder victim.
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